A Wave of Perfection

Posted on: July 2nd, 2012 by admin No Comments

Photo Courtesy of Flickr.com/Adria Richards

Ciruqe Du Soleil is a mastery of art, surrealism and theatrical innovation all wrapped into one brilliantly, creative show. Having heard of how beautiful and exhilarating each show is, and being able to see The Cirque Polynesia perform in Hawaii, I thought I would take this opportunity to take you on a magical ride through “O”, an infinitely creative Cirque performance.

“O”, inspired by the elegances of water’s most purest form, and the concept of infinity takes you on magical experience of the beauty of performance theatre. With world-class acrobats, divers, character performances in and above water, and synchronized swimmers, the performance surely is a breathtaking experience like never before. The way the performers swoop through the trapezes, hang from aerial hoops, cascade into the water from high up above, synchronize swim and dance with fire, the experience is a wave of perfection.

Exclusively at The Bellagio in the heart of Las Vegas, you will certainly be mesmerized at each performance as they take you on a journey through water. You would have never thought that Cirque Du Soleil would come up with something so creative, so unique, and so inspiring, but then again, with the creators, founders and directors of each show, you only wish you can be as creative and inspiring as they are. And maybe, just one day, you can hop on a plane, head to Vegas for the weekend and see this most captivating performance; it certainly will take your breath away.


Photo Courtesy of Flickr.com/Louiseana Borges

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