Rock it Out

Posted on: September 28th, 2012 by admin No Comments
Rock City Garden

Photo Courtesy of Bourgeois

Okay, so you may be thinking that I’m going to tell you all about the best places to rock all night long, but I have to say, this isn’t the post where you’ll find that, maybe next time. This time, I want to share with you a unique experience you may have never even heard of. Its called Rock City Gardens, and it’s located atop Lookout Mountain, just 6 miles from downtown Chattanooga (the fourth largest city in the state of Tennessee). When I stumbled upon Rock City, I wanted to know more and fast.

Firstly, the city is a natural wonder, secondly is rock formations will have you mesmerized each rickety step along the path. With over 400 native plant species, and breathtaking 7 States panoramic views, it really can’t get any better than this. The Enchanted Trail is awaiting you, and with each step you’ll experience some sort of natural brilliance along the way.

Partake in a self-guided walking tour to get the full experience as you soar through the 14-acre property and see seven states from 1,700 feet above sea level. It’s sort of like perfection all the way up in the middle of nowhere. As you stroll along the path you’ll spot a 100-foot waterfall, the famous Swing-A-Long Bridge, Fairyland Caverns, Mother Goose Village and a 1,000-ton balanced rock. Purchase your ticket today to explore the brilliance of the land and rock it out as you stroll along a path that will take you to a little bit of perfection along the way.

Rock City Garden

Photo Courtesy of Moore

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